Online booking

Online booking

Seminar Rooms

Our 9 seminar rooms are named after the stars. They all have a lot of dailight, so you have a clear view while reaching for the stars. 







Stand. Buffet

Orion 125 45 25 30 70 100 150
Pegasus 90 50 35 30 60 80 120
Lyria 150 60 35 34 120 150 200
Lacerta 35 20 18 20
Helel 35 20 18 20
Auriga 35 20 18 20
Plejaden 35 18 16 20
Aquila 40 30 20 25
Cassiopeia 15 12
Restaurant 80 120 120
Gartensäli 30 25 30 40
Lounge 30 24 30 40
Foyer 150 200
Oase 80

Area m2

Length m

Width m

Height m

Orion 140 13.40 7.90/11.90 4.00
Pegasus 104 13.90 7.50 3.00
Lyria 132 12.00 11.00 5.00
Lacerta 38 7.20 5.30 3.00
Helel 41 7.10 5.90 3.00
Auriga 38 7.40 5.20 3.00
Plejaden 36 6.20 5.90 3.00
Aquila 60 9.20 5.70 3.00
Cassiopeia 24 5.70 4.40 4.00
Restaurant 115 13.80 8.40 4.00
Gartensäli 34 7.80/6.00 5.00/3.20 3.00
Lounge 36 8.20/4.20 8.10/4.50 3.00
Foyer 222 various various 3.00
Oase 69 various various 4.00

Online booking

Online booking