Online booking

Online booking

Private Room "Gartensäli"

Celebrate in privacy

For breakfast, lunch or dinner? You will find a suitable menu for you.

Opening hours

Monday to Friday from 06.30 am – 11 pm


Your Event

What do you have in mind for your next celebration? Whether it is a cocktail reception, a simple set menu, a sumptuous buffet or possibly a flying dinner, we will make sure that what you had in mind will become reality.

Apéritifangebot (pdf)
Frühlingsmenü (pdf)
Sommermenü (pdf)
Herbstmenü (pdf)
Wintermenü (pdf)
Weihnachtsmenü (pdf)
Asiatisches Buffet (pdf)
Schwiizer Buffet (pdf)
Smoker- und Grill Buffet (pdf)
Weinkarte (pdf)

Online booking

Online booking